
Dennis J. Underwood

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5EELeigh A. Davis, Rose F. Gamble, Jamie Payton, Gerður Jónsdóttir, Dennis J. Underwood: A notation for problematic architecture interactions. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 2001: 132-141
4EERobert P. Sheridan, Michael D. Miller, Dennis J. Underwood, Simon K. Kearsley: Chemical Similarity Using Geometric Atom Pair Descriptors. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 36(1): 128-136 (1996)
3 Michael D. Miller, Simon K. Kearsley, Dennis J. Underwood, Robert P. Sheridan: FLOG: A system to select 'quasi-flexible' ligands complementary to a receptor of known three-dimensional structure. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 8(2): 153-174 (1994)
2 Kristine Prendergast, Kym Adams, William J. Greenlee, Robert B. Nachbar, Arthur A. Patchett, Dennis J. Underwood: Derivation of a 3D pharmacophore model for the angiotensin-II site one receptor. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 8(5): 491-512 (1994)
1 Simon K. Kearsley, Dennis J. Underwood, Robert P. Sheridan, Michael D. Miller: Flexibases: A way to enhance the use of molecular docking methods. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 8(5): 565-582 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Kym Adams [2]
2Leigh A. Davis [5]
3Rose F. Gamble [5]
4William J. Greenlee [2]
5Gerður Jónsdóttir [5]
6Simon K. Kearsley [1] [3] [4]
7Michael D. Miller [1] [3] [4]
8Robert B. Nachbar [2]
9Arthur A. Patchett [2]
10Jamie Payton [5]
11Kristine Prendergast [2]
12Robert P. Sheridan [1] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)