
Jeong Sheok Ume

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3EELjubomir Ciric, Arif Rafiq, Nenad Cakic, Jeong Sheok Ume: Implicit Mann fixed point iterations for pseudo-contractive mappings. Appl. Math. Lett. 22(4): 581-584 (2009)
2EELjubomir Ciric, Arif Rafiq, Stojan Radenovic, Miloje Rajovic, Jeong Sheok Ume: On Mann implicit iterations for strongly accretive and strongly pseudo-contractive mappings. Applied Mathematics and Computation 198(1): 128-137 (2008)
1EEZeqing Liu, Shin Min Kang, Jeong Sheok Ume: Existence and iterative approximations of nonoscillatory solutions of higher order nonlinear neutral delay differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 193(1): 73-88 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Nenad Cakic [3]
2Ljubomir Ciric [2] [3]
3Shin Min Kang [1]
4Zeqing Liu [1]
5Stojan Radenovic [2]
6Arif Rafiq [2] [3]
7Miloje Rajovic [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)