
Osman Ugus

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3EEOsman Ugus, Dirk Westhoff, Jens-Matthias Bohli: A ROM-friendly secure code update mechanism for WSNs using a stateful-verifier tau-time signature scheme. WISEC 2009: 29-40
2EEOsman Ugus, Dirk Westhoff, Ralf Laue, Abdulhadi Shoufan, Sorin A. Huss: Optimized Implementation of Elliptic Curve Based Additive Homomorphic Encryption for Wireless Sensor Networks CoRR abs/0903.3900: (2009)
1EEJens-Matthias Bohli, Alban Hessler, Osman Ugus, Dirk Westhoff: A secure and resilient WSN roadside architecture for intelligent transport systems. WISEC 2008: 161-171

Coauthor Index

1Jens-Matthias Bohli [1] [3]
2Alban Hessler [1]
3Sorin A. Huss (Sorin Alexander Huss) [2]
4Ralf Laue [2]
5Abdulhadi Shoufan [2]
6Dirk Westhoff [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)