
Arie Tzvieli

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5 Arie Tzvieli, Sally Jo Cunningham: Query Processing for Integrated Systems. ICSI 1990: 528-537
4 Arie Tzvieli: Possibility theory: An approach to computerized processing of uncertainty. JASIS 41(2): 153-154 (1990)
3EEArie Tzvieli: Representation and Access of Uncertain Relational Data. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 12(2): 21-28 (1989)
2EEArie Tzvieli: PL - A Probabilistic Logic. ICDE 1988: 462-469
1 Arie Tzvieli: On the Coupling of a Production System Shell and a DBMS. JCDKB 1988: 291-309

Coauthor Index

1Sally Jo Cunningham [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)