
John M. Tyler

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20EELuis E. Cuéllar, John M. Tyler, Richard Muffoletto: Computer generated hologram speed-up on generic surfaces. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 218-221
19EEMonica A. Trifas, John M. Tyler, Oleg S. Pianykh: Applying multiresolution methods to medical image enhancement. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 254-259
18 Rahman Tashakkori, John M. Tyler, Oleg S. Pianykh: Medical Image Optimal Wavelets. VISION 2005: 205-211
17 Monica A. Trifas, John M. Tyler, Oleg S. Pianykh: Medical Image Enhancement. VISION 2005: 212-218
16EEVladimir I. Priklonsky, Danny D. Reible, John M. Tyler: Consistent unconfined contaminated disposal facilities dike tidal flow and transport model. Environmental Modelling and Software 20(9): 1071-1079 (2005)
15EEXiaojun Qi, John M. Tyler: A progressive transmission capable diagnostically lossless compression scheme for 3D medical image sets. Inf. Sci. 175(3): 217-243 (2005)
14 Rahman Tashakkori, John M. Tyler, Oleg S. Pianykh, Xiaojun Qi: Decorrelating Medical Image Sets with Lifting: A New Approach. CISST 2004: 336-341
13 Guillermo Tonsmann, John M. Tyler, Nan D. Walker, Lawrence J. Rouse Jr., William J. Wiseman Jr.: Refinement to a Wavelet-Based Algorithm for the Estimation of Velocity Vector Fields. CISST 2004: 363-369
12EEXiaojun Qi, John M. Tyler: Differentiation-based Multi-resolution Approach for Lossless Image Compression. DCC 2003: 445
11EEOleg S. Pianykh, John M. Tyler: Compression ratio boundaries for predictive signal compression. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(2): 323-326 (2001)
10 D. Morton, John M. Tyler: A New 3D Adaptive Finite Element Scheme with l-Irregular Hexahedral Element Meshes. SAC (1) 2000: 99-104
9EERaj Sharman, John M. Tyler, Oleg S. Pianykh: A fast and accurate method to register medical images using Wavelet Modulus Maxima. Pattern Recognition Letters 21(6-7): 447-462 (2000)
8EEJames D. Callahan, John M. Tyler: Parallel Implementation of a Frontal Finite Element Solver on Multiple Platforms. SAC 1999: 491-495
7EEOleg S. Pianykh, John M. Tyler, Raj Sharman: Nearly-lossless autoregressive image compression. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(2): 221-228 (1999)
6EEOleg S. Pianykh, John M. Tyler, Warren N. Waggenspack Jr.: Improved Monte Carlo form factor integration. Computers & Graphics 22(6): 723-734 (1998)
5EEKosmas Karadimitriou, John M. Tyler: The Centroid method for compressing sets of similar images. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(7): 585-593 (1998)
4 Husam M. Yaghi, John M. Tyler: Setting Up a Web Server For Interactive Engineering Applications. WebNet 1997
3EEKosmas Karadimitriou, John M. Tyler: Min-Max Compression Methods for Medical Image Databases. SIGMOD Record 26(1): 47-52 (1997)
2EEKosmas Karadimitriou, John M. Tyler, Nathan E. Brener: Reverse engineering and reengineering of a large serial system into a distributed-parallel version. SAC 1995: 191-197
1EED. J. Morton, John M. Tyler, A. T. Bourgoyne, P. A. Schenewerk: An adaptive finite element methodology for 2D simulation of two-phase flow through porous media. SAC 1994: 357-362

Coauthor Index

1A. T. Bourgoyne [1]
2Nathan E. Brener [2]
3James D. Callahan [8]
4Luis E. Cuéllar [20]
5Kosmas Karadimitriou [2] [3] [5]
6D. Morton [10]
7D. J. Morton [1]
8Richard Muffoletto [20]
9Oleg S. Pianykh [6] [7] [9] [11] [14] [17] [18] [19]
10Vladimir I. Priklonsky [16]
11Xiaojun Qi [12] [14] [15]
12Danny D. Reible [16]
13Lawrence J. Rouse Jr. [13]
14P. A. Schenewerk [1]
15Raj Sharman [7] [9]
16Rahman Tashakkori [14] [18]
17Guillermo Tonsmann [13]
18Monica A. Trifas [17] [19]
19Warren N. Waggenspack Jr. [6]
20Nan D. Walker [13]
21William J. Wiseman Jr. [13]
22Husam M. Yaghi [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)