
Jamie Twycross

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10EEFrancisco José Romero-Campero, Jamie Twycross, Hongqing Cao, Jonathan Blakes, Natalio Krasnogor: A Multiscale Modeling Framework Based on P Systems. Workshop on Membrane Computing 2008: 63-77
9EEUwe Aickelin, Jamie Twycross, Thomas Hesketh-Roberts: Rule Generalisation in Intrusion Detection Systems using Snort CoRR abs/0803.2973: (2008)
8EEJungwon Kim, Peter J. Bentley, Uwe Aickelin, Julie Greensmith, Gianni Tedesco, Jamie Twycross: Immune System Approaches to Intrusion Detection - A Review CoRR abs/0804.1266: (2008)
7EEJamie Twycross, Uwe Aickelin: Biological Inspiration for Artificial Immune Systems. ICARIS 2007: 300-311
6EEJungwon Kim, Peter J. Bentley, Uwe Aickelin, Julie Greensmith, Gianni Tedesco, Jamie Twycross: Immune system approaches to intrusion detection - a review. Natural Computing 6(4): 413-466 (2007)
5EEGianni Tedesco, Jamie Twycross, Uwe Aickelin: Integrating Innate and Adaptive Immunity for Intrusion Detection. ICARIS 2006: 193-202
4EEJulie Greensmith, Uwe Aickelin, Jamie Twycross: Articulation and Clarification of the Dendritic Cell Algorithm. ICARIS 2006: 404-417
3EEJamie Twycross, Uwe Aickelin: Towards a Conceptual Framework for Innate Immunity. ICARIS 2005: 112-125
2EEUwe Aickelin, Julie Greensmith, Jamie Twycross: Immune System Approaches to Intrusion Detection - A Review. ICARIS 2004: 316-329
1 Jamie Twycross, Steve Cayzer: An Immune-based Approach to Document Classification. IIS 2003: 33-46

Coauthor Index

1Uwe Aickelin [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
2Peter J. Bentley [6] [8]
3Jonathan Blakes [10]
4Hongqing Cao [10]
5Steve Cayzer [1]
6Julie Greensmith [2] [4] [6] [8]
7Thomas Hesketh-Roberts [9]
8Jungwon Kim [6] [8]
9Natalio Krasnogor [10]
10Francisco José Romero-Campero [10]
11Gianni Tedesco [5] [6] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)