
Tiffany Tweed

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2EEJohan Montagnat, F. Bellet, Hugues Benoit-Cattin, Vincent Breton, Lionel Brunie, Hector Duque, Yannick Legré, Isabelle E. Magnin, Lydia Maigne, Serge Miguet, Jean-Marc Pierson, Ludwig Seitz, Tiffany Tweed: Medical Images Simulation, Storage, and Processing on the European DataGrid Testbed. J. Grid Comput. 2(4): 387-400 (2004)
1EETiffany Tweed, Serge Miguet: Automatic Detection of Regions of Interest in Mammographies Based on a Combined Analysis of Texture and Histogram. ICPR (2) 2002: 448-452

Coauthor Index

1F. Bellet [2]
2Hugues Benoit-Cattin [2]
3Vincent Breton [2]
4Lionel Brunie [2]
5Hector Duque [2]
6Yannick Legré [2]
7Isabelle E. Magnin [2]
8Lydia Maigne [2]
9Serge Miguet [1] [2]
10Johan Montagnat [2]
11Jean-Marc Pierson [2]
12Ludwig Seitz [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)