
Dimitri Tusera

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3 François Bancilhon, D. Fortin, Sophie Gamerman, J. M. Laubin, Philippe Richard, Michel Scholl, Dimitri Tusera, Anne Verroust: VERSO: A Relational Backend Database Machine. Advanced Database Machine Architecture 1983: 1-18
2EEA. El Masri, J. Rohmer, Dimitri Tusera: A Machine for Information Retrieval. Computer Architecture for Non-Numeric Processing 1978: 117-120
1 Dimitri Tusera: Example of Transformation of a Derivation Tree for an Expression by Semantic Attributes. IFIP Congress 1974: 381-385

Coauthor Index

1François Bancilhon [3]
2D. Fortin [3]
3Sophie Gamerman [3]
4J. M. Laubin [3]
5A. El Masri [2]
6Philippe Richard [3]
7J. Rohmer [2]
8Michel Scholl [3]
9Anne Verroust (Anne Verroust-Blondet) [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)