
Peter Turner

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7EEIan M. Atkinson, Douglas du Boulay, Clinton Chee, Kenneth Chiu, Paul D. Coddington, Andrea Gerson, Tristan King, Donald F. McMullen, Romain Quilici, Peter Turner, Andrew L. Wendelborn, Mathew J. Wyatt, Donglai Zhang: Developing CIMA-Based Cyberinfrastructure for Remote Access to Scientific Instruments and Collaborative e-Research. ACSW Frontiers 2007: 3-10
6 Xunyang Shen, Peter Turner: The Application of SLI Arithmetic to SSQR Method for the Hermitian Eigenvalue Problem. CSC 2007: 165-170
5EEDouglas du Boulay, Clinton Chee, Kenneth Chiu, Richard Leow, Donald F. McMullen, Romain Quilici, Peter Turner: Remote instrument control with CIMA Web services and Web 2.0 technology. ICDIM 2007: 768-773
4EEDouglas du Boulay, Clinton Chee, Kenneth Chiu, Richard Leow, Donald F. McMullen, Romain Quilici, Peter Turner: Portal Services for Collaborative Remote Instrument Control, Monitoring and Data Access. eScience 2007: 328-335
3 Xunyang Shen, Peter Turner: A Hybrid Number Representation Scheme Based on Symmetric Level-Index Arithmetic. CSC 2006: 118-123
2EEIan M. Atkinson, Douglas du Boulay, Clinton Chee, Kenneth Chiu, Tristan King, Donald F. McMullen, Romain Quilici, Nigel G. D. Sim, Peter Turner, Matthew Wyatt: CIMA Based Remote Instrument and Data Access: An Extension into the Australian e-Science Environment. e-Science 2006: 125
1EEDonald F. McMullen, Ian M. Atkinson, Kenneth Chiu, Peter Turner, Kianosh Huffman, Romain Quilici, Matthew Wyatt: Toward Standards for Integration of Instruments into Grid Computing Environments. e-Science 2006: 127

Coauthor Index

1Ian M. Atkinson [1] [2] [7]
2Douglas du Boulay [2] [4] [5] [7]
3Clinton Chee [2] [4] [5] [7]
4Kenneth Chiu [1] [2] [4] [5] [7]
5Paul D. Coddington [7]
6Andrea Gerson [7]
7Kianosh Huffman [1]
8Tristan King [2] [7]
9Richard Leow [4] [5]
10Donald F. McMullen [1] [2] [4] [5] [7]
11Romain Quilici [1] [2] [4] [5] [7]
12Xunyang Shen [3] [6]
13Nigel G. D. Sim [2]
14Andrew L. Wendelborn [7]
15Mathew J. Wyatt [7]
16Matthew Wyatt [1] [2]
17Donglai Zhang [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)