
Anni-Yasmin Turhan

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20 Diego Calvanese, Enrico Franconi, Volker Haarslev, Domenico Lembo, Boris Motik, Anni-Yasmin Turhan, Sergio Tessaris: Proceedings of the 2007 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2007), Brixen-Bressanone, near Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, 8-10 June, 2007 CEUR-WS.org 2007
19EEAnni-Yasmin Turhan, Yusri Bong: Speeding up Approximation with Nicer Concepts. Description Logics 2007
18EEFranz Baader, Baris Sertkaya, Anni-Yasmin Turhan: Computing the least common subsumer w.r.t. a background terminology. J. Applied Logic 5(3): 392-420 (2007)
17EESean Bechhofer, Thorsten Liebig, Marko Luther, Olaf Noppens, Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Boontawee Suntisrivaraporn, Anni-Yasmin Turhan, Timo Weithöner: DIG 2.0 -- Towards a Flexible Interface for Description Logic Reasoners. OWLED 2006
16EEAnni-Yasmin Turhan, Thomas Springer, Michael Berger: Pushing Doors for Modeling Contexts with OWL DL a Case Study. PerCom Workshops 2006: 13-17
15EEFranz Baader, Baris Sertkaya, Anni-Yasmin Turhan: Computing the Least Common Subsumer w.r.t. a Background Terminology. Description Logics 2004
14EEAnni-Yasmin Turhan, Christian Kissig: Sonic: System Description. Description Logics 2004
13EEAnni-Yasmin Turhan, Christian Kissig: Sonic - Non-standard Inferences Go OilEd. IJCAR 2004: 321-325
12EEFranz Baader, Baris Sertkaya, Anni-Yasmin Turhan: Computing the Least Common Subsumer w.r.t. a Background Terminology. JELIA 2004: 400-412
11EESebastian Brandt, Anni-Yasmin Turhan: Computing Least Common Subsumers for FLE+. Description Logics 2003
10EESebastian Brandt, Anni-Yasmin Turhan, Ralf Küsters: Extensions of Non-standard Inferences to Descriptions Logics with Transitive Roles. LPAR 2003: 122-136
9EEFranz Baader, Anni-Yasmin Turhan: On the Problem of Computing Small Representations of Least Common Subsumers. KI 2002: 99-113
8 Sebastian Brandt, Ralf Küsters, Anni-Yasmin Turhan: Approximation and Difference in Description Logics. KR 2002: 203-214
7EEFranz Baader, Anni-Yasmin Turhan: TBoxes do not Yield a Compact Representation of Least Common Subsumers. Description Logics 2001
6EEAnni-Yasmin Turhan, Ralf Molitor: Using Lazy Unfolding for the Computation of Least Common Subsumers. Description Logics 2001
5EEVolker Haarslev, Ralf Möller, Anni-Yasmin Turhan: Exploiting Pseudo Models for TBox and ABox Reasoning in Expressive Description Logics. IJCAR 2001: 61-75
4EEAnni-Yasmin Turhan, Volker Haarslev: Adapting Optimization Techniques to Description Logics with Concrete Domains. Description Logics 2000: 247-256
3EEVolker Haarslev, Ralf Möller, Anni-Yasmin Turhan, Michael Wessel: On Terminological Default Reasoning about Spatial Information: Extended Abstract. Description Logics 1999
2EEVolker Haarslev, Ralf Möller, Anni-Yasmin Turhan: HAM-ALC. Description Logics 1998
1EEVolker Haarslev, Ralf Möller, Anni-Yasmin Turhan: Implementing an ALCRP(D) ABox Reasoner - Progress Report. Description Logics 1998

Coauthor Index

1Franz Baader [7] [9] [12] [15] [18]
2Sean Bechhofer [17]
3Michael Berger [16]
4Yusri Bong [19]
5Sebastian Brandt [8] [10] [11]
6Diego Calvanese [20]
7Enrico Franconi [20]
8Volker Haarslev [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [20]
9Christian Kissig [13] [14]
10Ralf Küsters [8] [10]
11Domenico Lembo [20]
12Thorsten Liebig [17]
13Marko Luther [17]
14Ralf Molitor [6]
15Ralf Möller [1] [2] [3] [5]
16Boris Motik [20]
17Olaf Noppens [17]
18Peter F. Patel-Schneider [17]
19Baris Sertkaya [12] [15] [18]
20Thomas Springer [16]
21Boontawee Suntisrivaraporn [17]
22Sergio Tessaris [20]
23Timo Weithöner [17]
24Michael Wessel [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)