
Seamus T. Tuohy

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4EESeamus T. Tuohy, Takashi Maekawa, Guoling Shen, Nicholas M. Patrikalakis: Approximation of measured data with interval B-splines. Computer-Aided Design 29(11): 791-799 (1997)
3EEJingfang Zhou, Nicholas M. Patrikalakis, Seamus T. Tuohy, Xiuzi Ye: Scattered data fitting with simplex splines in two and three dimensional spaces. The Visual Computer 13(7): 295-315 (1997)
2 Seamus T. Tuohy, Nicholas M. Patrikalakis: Non-linear Data Representation for Ocean Exploration and Visualization. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 7(3): 125-139 (1996)
1EEFranz-Erich Wolter, Seamus T. Tuohy: Curvature computations for degenerate surface patches. Computer Aided Geometric Design 9(4): 241-270 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Takashi Maekawa [4]
2Nicholas M. Patrikalakis [2] [3] [4]
3Guoling Shen [4]
4Franz-Erich Wolter [1]
5Xiuzi Ye [3]
6Jingfang Zhou [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)