
W. L. Tung

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11EEH. K. Phee, W. L. Tung, C. Quek: A personalized approach to insulin regulation using brain-inspired neural sematic memory in diabetic glucose control. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 2644-2651
10EEW. L. Tung, C. Quek: A brain-inspired fuzzy semantic memory model for learning and reasoning with uncertainty. Neural Computing and Applications 16(6): 559-569 (2007)
9EEW. L. Tung, C. Quek: A NeuroCognitive Approach to Decision-Making in Chance Discovery. Chance Discoveries in Real World Decision Making 2006: 231-250
8EEJ. Sim, W. L. Tung, C. Quek: FCMAC-Yager: A Novel Yager-Inference-Scheme-Based Fuzzy CMAC. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 17(6): 1394-1410 (2006)
7EEW. L. Tung, Hiok Chai Quek: GenSo-FDSS: a neural-fuzzy decision support system for pediatric ALL cancer subtype identification using gene expression data. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 33(1): 61-88 (2005)
6EEW. L. Tung, Hiok Chai Quek, P. Cheng: GenSo-EWS: a novel neural-fuzzy based early warning system for predicting bank failures. Neural Networks 17(4): 567-587 (2004)
5EEM. Pasquier, C. Quek, W. L. Tung, D. Chen, T. M. Yep: Fuzzylot II: a novel soft computing approach to the realisation of autonomous driving manoeuvres for intelligent vehicles. ICARCV 2002: 746-751
4EEW. L. Tung, Hiok Chai Quek: DIC: A Novel Discrete Incremental Clustering Technique for the Derivation of Fuzzy Membership Functions. PRICAI 2002: 178-187
3EEW. L. Tung, Hiok Chai Quek: BackPOLE: Back Propagation Based on Objective Learning Errors. PRICAI 2002: 265-274
2EEW. L. Tung, Hiok Chai Quek: FuzzyDrive: A Fuzzy Rule-Based Auto Pilot System. PRICAI 2002: 601
1 Hiok Chai Quek, W. L. Tung: A novel approach to the derivation of fuzzy membership functions using the Falcon-MART architecture. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(9): 941-958 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1D. Chen [5]
2P. Cheng [6]
3M. Pasquier [5]
4H. K. Phee [11]
5C. Quek [5] [8] [9] [10] [11]
6Hiok Chai Quek (Chai Quek) [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
7J. Sim [8]
8T. M. Yep [5]

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