
Marco Tucci

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3 Luca Boatto, Vincenzo Consorti, Monica Del Buono, Silvano Di Zenzo, Vincenzo Eramo, Alessandra Esposito, Francesco Melcarne, Marco Meucci, Andrea Morelli, Marco Mosciatti, Stefano Scarci, Marco Tucci: An Interpretation System for Land Register Maps. IEEE Computer 25(7): 25-33 (1992)
2 Daniele Nardi, Marco Tucci: Building Tools for software engineering with artificial intelligence techniques. Applied Artificial Intelligence 4(4): 283-307 (1990)
1 Daniele Nardi, Marco Tucci: An Application of the Event Calculus for Representing the History of a Software Project. ESEC 1989: 176-190

Coauthor Index

1Luca Boatto [3]
2Monica Del Buono [3]
3Vincenzo Consorti [3]
4Vincenzo Eramo [3]
5Alessandra Esposito [3]
6Francesco Melcarne [3]
7Marco Meucci [3]
8Andrea Morelli [3]
9Marco Mosciatti [3]
10Daniele Nardi [1] [2]
11Stefano Scarci [3]
12Silvano Di Zenzo [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)