
Yaqing Tu

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3 Jun Chen, Yaqing Tu: Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Oil Delivery Remote Monitoring and Controlling System. IRI 2004: 192-197
2 Zhengxian Gao, Zhongxue Li, Yaqing Tu: Design and Completion of Digital Certificate with Authorization Based on PKI. IRI 2004: 462-466
1 Liangbing Liu, Yaqing Tu: A Liquid Nonlinear Acoustic Parameter B/A Measuring System Based on Information Fusion. IRI 2004: 559-563

Coauthor Index

1Jun Chen [3]
2Zhengxian Gao [2]
3Zhongxue Li [2]
4Liangbing Liu [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)