
Hsieh-Chang Tu

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7EESzu-Pei Chen, Jieh Hsiang, Hsieh-Chang Tu, Micha Wu: On Building a Full-Text Digital Library of Historical Documents. ICADL 2007: 49-60
6EEHsieh-Chang Tu, Jieh Hsiang: An architecture and category knowledge for intelligent information retrieval agents. Decision Support Systems 28(3): 255-268 (2000)
5EEHsieh-Chang Tu, Michael L. Lyu, Jieh Hsiang: Agent Technology for Website Browsing and Navigation. HICSS 1999
4EEHsieh-Chang Tu, Jieh Hsiang: An Architecture and Category Knowledge for Intelligent Information Retrieval Agents. HICSS (4) 1998: 405-414
3EEJieh Hsiang, Hsieh-Chang Tu: Personalized Web Retrieval: Three Agents for Retrieving Web Information. PRIMA 1998: 118-132
2EEHsieh-Chang Tu, Carl H. Smith: Training Digraphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 53(4): 185-192 (1995)
1 Hsieh-Chang Tu, Carl H. Smith: Training Diagraphs. AII/ALT 1994: 176-186

Coauthor Index

1Szu-Pei Chen [7]
2Jieh Hsiang [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Michael L. Lyu [5]
4Carl H. Smith [1] [2]
5Micha Wu [7]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)