
Minoru Tsukada

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11EEMinoru Tsukada, Yoshiyuki Yamazaki: Functional Differences Between the Spatio-temporal Learning Rule (STLR) and Hebb Type (HEBB) in Single Pyramidal Cells in the Hippocampal CA1 Area. ICONIP (1) 2006: 72-81
10EEXiaochuan Pan, Minoru Tsukada: A Model of the Hippocampal-cortical Memory System. Biological Cybernetics 95(2): 159-167 (2006)
9EEAd Aertsen, Gert Hauske, Minoru Tsukada: Editorial. Biological Cybernetics 88(5): 319-320 (2003)
8EESusumu Takahashi, Yoshio Sakurai, Minoru Tsukada, Yuichiro Anzai: Classification of neuronal activities from tetrode recordings using independent component analysis. Neurocomputing 49(1-4): 289-298 (2002)
7 Yuki Kobayashi, Takeshi Aihara, Hironori Matsuda, Hiroshi Sasaki, Minoru Tsukada: Spatial Distribution of LTP and LTD Simultaneously Induced by Temporal-Pattern Stimuli in Hippocampal CA1 Area. ICONIP 1998: 1529-1532
6 Jun Yamamoto, Mizuki Okanda, Hiroshi Sasaki, Minoru Tsukada, Yuichiro Anzai: The Effect of Hippocampal Activity to Auditory Evoked Responses in Guinea Pig Revealed by Optical Imaging. ICONIP 1998: 1547-1550
5 Hironori Matsuda, Takeshi Aihara, Masami Tatsuno, Minoru Tsukada: The Effect of Chaotic Stimulation to Induce Long-Term Potentiation in The Hippocampal CA1 Area. ICONIP 1998: 613-616
4 Takeshi Aihara, Minoru Tsukada: Temporal-Pattern Dependent Spatial-Distribution of LTP and LTD in Hippocampal CA1 Area. ICONIP 1998: 625-628
3 Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara, Hide-aki Saito, Hiroshi Kato: A Spatio-Temporal Learning Rule Based on the Physiological Data of LTP Induction in the Hippocampal CA1 Network. ICANN 1996: 709-714
2EEHiroshi Fujii, Hiroyuki Ito, Kazuyuki Aihara, Natsuhiro Ichinose, Minoru Tsukada: Dynamical Cell Assembly Hypothesis -- Theoretical Possibility of Spatio-temporal Coding in the Cortex. Neural Networks 9(8): 1303-1350 (1996)
1EEMinoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara, Hide-aki Saito, Hiroshi Kato: Hippocampal LTP Depends on Spatial and Temporal Correlation of Inputs. Neural Networks 9(8): 1357-1365 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Ad Aertsen [9]
2Kazuyuki Aihara [2]
3Takeshi Aihara [1] [3] [4] [5] [7]
4Yuichiro Anzai [6] [8]
5Hiroshi Fujii [2]
6Gert Hauske [9]
7Natsuhiro Ichinose [2]
8Hiroyuki Ito [2]
9Hiroshi Kato [1] [3]
10Yuki Kobayashi [7]
11Hironori Matsuda [5] [7]
12Mizuki Okanda [6]
13Xiaochuan Pan [10]
14Hide-aki Saito [1] [3]
15Yoshio Sakurai [8]
16Hiroshi Sasaki [6] [7]
17Susumu Takahashi [8]
18Masami Tatsuno [5]
19Jun Yamamoto [6]
20Yoshiyuki Yamazaki [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)