
Kwok Ching Tsui

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18EEJiming Liu, Xiaolong Jin, Kwok Ching Tsui: Autonomy-Oriented Computing (AOC). Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
17EEJiming Liu, Kwok Ching Tsui: Toward nature-inspired computing. Commun. ACM 49(10): 59-64 (2006)
16EEJinglun Shi, Weiping Liu, Kwok Ching Tsui, Jiming Liu: Anycast-Based Cooperative Proxy Caching. APWeb 2005: 771-782
15EEM. Brian Blake, Kwok Ching Tsui, Andreas Wombacher: The EEE-05 Challenge: A New Web Service Discovery and Composition Competition. EEE 2005: 780-781
14EEJiming Liu, Xiaolong Jin, Kwok Ching Tsui: Autonomy-oriented computing (AOC): formulating computational systems with autonomous components. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 35(6): 879-902 (2005)
13EEKwok Ching Tsui, Jiming Liu, Jinglun Shi: Anycast-Based Cooperative Proxy Caching: Preliminary Results. Web Intelligence 2004: 405-411
12EEKwok-Wai Cheung, Kwok Ching Tsui, Jiming Liu: Extended latent class models for collaborative recommendation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 34(1): 143-148 (2004)
11EEKwok Ching Tsui, Jiming Liu: Multiagent diffusion and distributed optimization. AAMAS 2003: 169-176
10EEMarkus J. Kaiser, Kwok Ching Tsui, Jiming Liu: A Study of the Performance and Parameter Sensitivity of Adaptive Distributed Caching. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 942-947
9EEKwok-Wai Cheung, James T. Kwok, Martin H. C. Law, Kwok Ching Tsui: Mining customer product ratings for personalized marketing. Decision Support Systems 35(2): 231-243 (2003)
8 Kwok Ching Tsui, Jiming Liu, Markus J. Kaiser: Self-Organized Load Balancing in Proxy Servers: Algorithms and Performance. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 20(1): 31-50 (2003)
7EEMarkus J. Kaiser, Kwok Ching Tsui, Jiming Liu: Self-organized autonomous web proxies. AAMAS 2002: 1397-1404
6EEKwok Ching Tsui, Jiming Liu: An Evolutionary Multiagent Diffusion Approach to Optimization. IJPRAI 16(6): 715-734 (2002)
5EEKwok-Wai Cheung, King-Wai Fung, Kwok Ching Tsui: Segmentation of On-line Job Advertisements. WWW Posters 2001
4EEKwok Ching Tsui, Jiming Liu, Hiu Lo Liu: Autonomy Oriented Load Balancing in Proxy Cache Servers. Web Intelligence 2001: 115-124
3 Behnam Azvine, David Djian, Kwok Ching Tsui, Wayne Wobcke: The Intelligent Assistant: An Overview. Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing 2000: 215-238
2 Kwok Ching Tsui, Behnam Azvine: Intelligent Multimodal User Interface. Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing 2000: 259-283
1 Behnam Azvine, Nader Azarmi, Kwok Ching Tsui: An Introduction to Soft Computing - A Tool for Building Intelligent Systems. Software Agents and Soft Computing 1997: 191-210

Coauthor Index

1Nader Azarmi [1]
2Behnam Azvine [1] [2] [3]
3M. Brian Blake [15]
4William Kwok-Wai Cheung (Kwok-Wai Cheung, William K. Cheung) [5] [9] [12]
5David Djian [3]
6King-Wai Fung [5]
7Xiaolong Jin [14] [18]
8Markus J. Kaiser [7] [8] [10]
9James Tin-Yau Kwok (James T. Kwok) [9]
10Martin H. C. Law [9]
11Hiu Lo Liu [4]
12Jiming Liu [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18]
13Weiping Liu [16]
14Jinglun Shi [13] [16]
15Wayne Wobcke [3]
16Andreas Wombacher [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)