
Mitchell M. Tseng

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10EEMitchell M. Tseng: Customization, collaboration, competition and contracting in design. CSCWD 2008: 1
9EEBin Dan, Mitchell M. Tseng: Assessing the inherent flexibility of product families for meeting customisation requirements. IJMTM 10(2/3): 227-246 (2007)
8 M. Zhang, Y. J. Chen, Mitchell M. Tseng: Distributed knowledge management for product and process variety in mass customisation. IJCAT 23(1): 13-30 (2005)
7EEMichael R. Liu, Q. L. Zhang, Lionel M. Ni, Mitchell M. Tseng: An RFID-Based Distributed Control System for Mass Customization Manufacturing. ISPA 2004: 1039-1049
6EEGeorge Huang, Roger Jianxin Jiao, Mitchell M. Tseng: Special Issue: Platform product development for mass customization. AI EDAM 18(1): 1-2 (2004)
5EEJianxin Jiao, Mitchell M. Tseng: Customizability analysis in design for mass customization. Computer-Aided Design 36(8): 745-757 (2004)
4 Xuehong Du, Jianxin Jiao, Mitchell M. Tseng: Product family modeling and design support: An approach based on graph rewriting systems. AI EDAM 16(2): 103-120 (2002)
3EEFuhua Lin, Chuan-Jun Su, Mitchell M. Tseng: An Agent-Based Approach to Developing Intelligent Virtual Reality-Based Training Systems. ICTAI 1999: 253-
2EEMitchell M. Tseng, Chuan-Jun Su, Ma Qinhai: Accountability Centered Approach to Business Process Reengineering. HICSS (4) 1998: 345-354
1 Richard H. Y. So, Colleen M. Finney, Mitchell M. Tseng, Chuan-Jun Su, B. P. Yen: A Closed-Loop Approach for Integrating Human Factors into Systems Development: A Case Study Involving a Distributed Database System. HCI (2) 1997: 517-520

Coauthor Index

1Y. J. Chen [8]
2Bin Dan [9]
3Xuehong Du [4]
4Colleen M. Finney [1]
5George Huang [6]
6Roger Jianxin Jiao (Jianxin Jiao) [4] [5] [6]
7Fuhua Lin [3]
8Michael R. Liu [7]
9Lionel M. Ni [7]
10Ma Qinhai [2]
11Richard H. Y. So [1]
12Chuan-Jun Su [1] [2] [3]
13B. P. Yen [1]
14M. Zhang [8]
15Q. L. Zhang [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)