
Lin Yu Tseng

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18 Lin Yu Tseng, Tuan-Yung Han: A Genetic Local Search Algorithm for the Floorplan Problem with Boundary Constraints. GEM 2007: 70-74
17EELin Yu Tseng, Wen-Ching Chen: The Systematic Trajectory Search Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Network Training. IJCNN 2007: 1174-1179
16EEYung-fu Chen, Rung Ching Chen, Lin Yu Tseng, Elong Lin, Yung-Kuan Chan, Ren-Hao Pan: NTMG (N-terminal Truncated Mutants Generator for cDNA): an automatic multiplex PCR assays design for generating various N-terminal truncated cDNA mutants. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Web-Server-Issue): 66-70 (2007)
15EELin Yu Tseng, Ya-Tai Lin: A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem. IEA/AIE 2006: 218-227
14EELin Yu Tseng, Wen-Ching Chen: A Two-Phase Genetic Local Search Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Network Training. IJCNN 2006: 2914-2918
13EELin Yu Tseng, Shih-Chieh Chen: A hybrid metaheuristic for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research 175(2): 707-721 (2006)
12EEShiueng Bien Yang, Lin Yu Tseng: Smooth side-match classified vector quantizer with variable block size. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(5): 677-685 (2001)
11EELin Yu Tseng, Shiueng Bien Yang: A genetic approach to the automatic clustering problem. Pattern Recognition 34(2): 415-424 (2001)
10EELin Yu Tseng, Shiueng Bien Yang: A genetic clustering algorithm for data with non-spherical-shape clusters. Pattern Recognition 33(7): 1251-1259 (2000)
9EELin Yu Tseng, Rung Ching Chen: Recognition And Data Extraction Of Form Documents Based On Three Types Of Line Segments. Pattern Recognition 31(10): 1525-1540 (1998)
8EELin Yu Tseng, Rung Ching Chen: Segmenting handwritten Chinese characters based on heuristic merging of stroke bounding boxes and dynamic programming. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(10): 963-973 (1998)
7EELin Yu Tseng, Rung Ching Chen: A New Method for Segmenting Handwritten Chinese Characters. ICDAR 1997: 568-571
6EELin Yu Tseng, Rung Ching Chen: The Recognition of Form Documents Based on Three Types of Line Segments. ICDAR 1997: 71-75
5EELin Yu Tseng, Rung Ching Chen: An Efficient Recognition and Data Extraction Method for Table-Form Documents. MVA 1996: 131-134
4 Ming-Shing Yu, Lin Yu Tseng, Shoe-Jane Chang: Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for the Maximum-Weight Independent Set Problem on Permutation Graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 46(1): 7-11 (1993)
3 Ming-Shing Yu, Lin Yu Tseng, Jiunn-Horng Lin: Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Some Problems on Trees. ICPP (3) 1992: 160-163
2EELin Yu Tseng, C. T. Chuang: An efficient knowledge-based stroke extraction method for multi-font chinese characters. Pattern Recognition 25(12): 1445-1458 (1992)
1 Lin Yu Tseng, W. D. Hao: An NC Algorithm for Recognizing Strict 2-threshold Graphs. ICPP (3) 1991: 296-297

Coauthor Index

1Yung-Kuan Chan [16]
2Shoe-Jane Chang [4]
3Rung Ching Chen [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [16]
4Shih-Chieh Chen [13]
5Wen-Ching Chen [14] [17]
6Yung-fu Chen [16]
7C. T. Chuang [2]
8Tuan-Yung Han [18]
9W. D. Hao [1]
10Elong Lin [16]
11Jiunn-Horng Lin [3]
12Ya-Tai Lin [15]
13Ren-Hao Pan [16]
14Shiueng Bien Yang [10] [11] [12]
15Ming-Shing Yu [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)