
R. S. Tse

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5EEDenis K. C. Leung, R. S. Tse: Data acquisition with the IBM PC/XT/AT family - I. A medium speed system for the XT or AT. Computers & Chemistry 13(1): 75-88 (1989)
4EES. Q. Lew, R. S. Tse: Microcomputer automation of coulometric titration. Computers & Chemistry 13(1): 89-99 (1989)
3EEW. F. Tong, C. M. Y. Lee, C. P. Luk, F. Lam, R. S. Tse: Microcomputer-assisted surface area determination. Computers & Chemistry 11(2): 97-108 (1987)
2EER. S. Tse: Microcomputer automation of the determination of activation energy. Computers & Chemistry 9(1): 11-17 (1985)
1EER. S. Tse: An inexpensive chromatographic data system for the apple II. Computers & Chemistry 9(4): 317-323 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1F. Lam [3]
2C. M. Y. Lee [3]
3Denis K. C. Leung [5]
4S. Q. Lew [4]
5C. P. Luk [3]
6W. F. Tong [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)