2009 |
16 | EE | Man Ho Au,
Patrick P. Tsang,
Willy Susilo,
Yi Mu:
Dynamic Universal Accumulators for DDH Groups and Their Application to Attribute-Based Anonymous Credential Systems.
CT-RSA 2009: 295-308 |
2008 |
15 | EE | Patrick P. Tsang,
Man Ho Au,
Apu Kapadia,
Sean W. Smith:
PEREA: towards practical TTP-free revocation in anonymous authentication.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2008: 333-344 |
14 | EE | Patrick P. Tsang,
Sean W. Smith:
PPAA: Peer-to-Peer Anonymous Authentication.
ACNS 2008: 55-74 |
13 | EE | Patrick P. Tsang,
Sean W. Smith:
Secure Cryptographic Precomputation with Insecure Memory.
ISPEC 2008: 146-160 |
12 | EE | Patrick P. Tsang,
Sean W. Smith:
Combating Spam and Denial-of-Service Attacks with Trusted Puzzle Solvers.
ISPEC 2008: 188-202 |
11 | EE | Patrick P. Tsang,
Sean W. Smith:
YASIR: A Low-Latency, High-Integrity Security Retrofit for Legacy SCADA Systems.
SEC 2008: 445-459 |
2007 |
10 | EE | Patrick P. Tsang,
Man Ho Au,
Apu Kapadia,
Sean W. Smith:
Blacklistable anonymous credentials: blocking misbehaving users without ttps.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2007: 72-81 |
9 | EE | Patrick P. Tsang,
Sherman S. M. Chow,
Sean W. Smith:
Batch Pairing Delegation.
IWSEC 2007: 74-90 |
8 | EE | Apu Kapadia,
Patrick P. Tsang,
Sean W. Smith:
Attribute-Based Publishing with Hidden Credentials and Hidden Policies.
NDSS 2007 |
7 | EE | Peter C. Johnson,
Apu Kapadia,
Patrick P. Tsang,
Sean W. Smith:
Nymble: Anonymous IP-Address Blocking.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2007: 113-133 |
2006 |
6 | EE | Man Ho Au,
Sherman S. M. Chow,
Willy Susilo,
Patrick P. Tsang:
Short Linkable Ring Signatures Revisited.
EuroPKI 2006: 101-115 |
2005 |
5 | EE | Joseph K. Liu,
Patrick P. Tsang,
Duncan S. Wong:
Efficient Verifiable Ring Encryption for Ad Hoc Groups.
ESAS 2005: 1-13 |
4 | EE | Joseph K. Liu,
Patrick P. Tsang,
Duncan S. Wong:
Recoverable and Untraceable E-Cash.
EuroPKI 2005: 206-214 |
3 | EE | Joseph K. Liu,
Patrick P. Tsang,
Duncan S. Wong,
Robert W. Zhu:
Universal Custodian-Hiding Verifiable Encryption for Discrete Logarithms.
ICISC 2005: 389-409 |
2 | EE | Patrick P. Tsang,
Victor K. Wei:
Short Linkable Ring Signatures for E-Voting, E-Cash and Attestation.
ISPEC 2005: 48-60 |
2004 |
1 | EE | Patrick P. Tsang,
Victor K. Wei,
Tony K. Chan,
Man Ho Au,
Joseph K. Liu,
Duncan S. Wong:
Separable Linkable Threshold Ring Signatures.
INDOCRYPT 2004: 384-398 |