
Herman Tromp

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6EEBram Adams, Wolfgang De Meuter, Herman Tromp, Ahmed E. Hassan: Can we refactor conditional compilation into aspects? AOSD 2009: 243-254
5EEBram Adams, Herman Tromp, Kris De Schutter, Wolfgang De Meuter: Design recovery and maintenance of build systems. ICSM 2007: 114-123
4EEBram Adams, Herman Tromp, Kris De Schutter, Wolfgang De Meuter: MAKAO. ICSM 2007: 517-518
3EEBram Adams, Kris De Schutter, Herman Tromp, Wolfgang De Meuter: The Evolution of the Linux Build System. ECEASST 8: (2007)
2 Marc Rabaey, Eddy Vandijck, Koenraad Vandenborre, Herman Tromp, Martin Timmerman: Business Process Embedded Information Systems - For Flexibility and Adaptability. ICEIS (1) 2006: 144-150
1 Koenraad Vandenborre, Peter Heinckiens, Ghistain Hoffman, Herman Tromp: Coherent Enterprise Information Modelling in Practice. EJC 2003: 123-129

Coauthor Index

1Bram Adams [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Ahmed E. Hassan [6]
3Peter Heinckiens [1]
4Ghistain Hoffman [1]
5Wolfgang De Meuter [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Marc Rabaey [2]
7Kris De Schutter [3] [4] [5]
8Martin Timmerman [2]
9Koenraad Vandenborre [1] [2]
10Eddy Vandijck [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)