
Douglas R. Troeger

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11 Marco T. Morazán, Douglas R. Troeger: List-Heap Paging in a Distributed Virtual Memory System for Functional Languages. PDPTA 2003: 1689-1695
10EEMarco T. Morazán, Douglas R. Troeger, Myles Nash: The MT Stack: Paging Algorithm and Performance in a Distributed Virtual Memory System. CLEI Electron. J. 5(1): (2002)
9 Marco T. Morazán, Douglas R. Troeger, Myles Nash: Designing an All-Software Based Distributed Virtual Memory: The Paging Performance of the MT Stack. JIISIC 2001: 109-120
8 Marco T. Morazán, Douglas R. Troeger, Myles Nash: Paging in a Distributed Virtual Memory. Scottish Functional Programming Workshop 2001: 75-86
7 Marco T. Morazán, Douglas R. Troeger: The MT Architecture and Allocation Algorithm. Scottish Functional Programming Workshop 1999: 98-105
6EEHenry MacKay Walker, H. Conrad Cunningham, Ruth Davis, Douglas R. Troeger: Formal methods in the undergraduate computer science curriculum (abstract). SIGCSE 1995: 398-399
5EEDouglas R. Troeger: Tutorial-formal methods in the first course (abstract). SIGCSE 1994: 378
4 Douglas R. Troeger: Step Bisimulation is Pomset Equivalence on a Parallel Language Without Explicit Internal Choice. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 3(1): 25-62 (1993)
3 Stephen L. Bloom, Douglas R. Troeger: A Logical Characterization of Observation Equivalence. Theor. Comput. Sci. 35: 43-53 (1985)
2 Douglas R. Troeger: Weak Equivalence in a Class of Structured Program Schemes. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 29(1): 99-117 (1984)
1 Douglas R. Troeger: An Axiomatization of D-scheme Strong Equivalence. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 27(2): 221-224 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Stephen L. Bloom [3]
2H. Conrad Cunningham [6]
3Ruth Davis [6]
4Marco T. Morazán [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
5Myles Nash [8] [9] [10]
6Henry MacKay Walker [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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