
Somanath Tripathy

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8EESomanath Tripathy, Sukumar Nandi: Defense against outside attacks in wireless sensor networks. Computer Communications 31(4): 818-826 (2008)
7EESomanath Tripathy, Sukumar Nandi: Secure user-identification and key distribution scheme preserving anonymity. IJSN 3(3): 201-205 (2008)
6EEAtanu Roy Chowdhury, Somanath Tripathy, Sukumar Nandi: Securing Wireless Sensor Networks Against Spurious Injections. COMSWARE 2007
5EESomanath Tripathy: LISA: LIghtweight Security Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. ICDCIT 2007: 129-134
4EEV. Chennakesavulu, Sukumar Nandi, Somanath Tripathy: OSASMAC: Opportunistic Secure Adaptive Sensor MAC Protocol. ICIT 2007: 116-121
3 Somanath Tripathy, Atanu Roy Chowdhury, Sukumar Nandi: CARA: Cellular automata based remote-user authentication scheme. COMSWARE 2006
2EESomanath Tripathy, Sukumar Nandi: Efficient Remote User Authentication and Key Establishment for Multi-server Environment. ICDCIT 2006: 333-346
1EESomanath Tripathy, Sukumar Nandi, Atanu Roy Chowdhury: CARMA: Cellular Automata Based Remote Mutual Authentication Scheme. ICIT 2006: 190-191

Coauthor Index

1V. Chennakesavulu [4]
2Atanu Roy Chowdhury [1] [3] [6]
3Sukumar Nandi [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)