2008 | ||
9 | EE | Sachin Gautam, Ashish Kumar Srivastava, Amitabha Tripathi: On multicolour noncomplete Ramsey graphs of star graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(12): 2423-2428 (2008) |
8 | EE | Amitabha Tripathi, Himanshu Tyagi: A simple criterion on degree sequences of graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(18): 3513-3517 (2008) |
2007 | ||
7 | EE | Mohit Singh, Amitabha Tripathi: On an extremal problem related to a theorem of Whitney. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(4): 579-583 (2007) |
6 | EE | Amitabha Tripathi, Sujith Vijay: A short proof of a theorem on degree sets of graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(5): 670-671 (2007) |
2006 | ||
5 | Amitabha Tripathi: A Combinatorial Proof of Wilson's Theorem. Ars Comb. 80: (2006) | |
4 | EE | Amitabha Tripathi, Sujith Vijay: On the least size of a graph with a given degree set. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(17): 2530-2536 (2006) |
2005 | ||
3 | Amitabha Tripathi, Sujith Vijay: Closest Approximations to Real Numbers. Ars Comb. 77: (2005) | |
2003 | ||
2 | EE | Amitabha Tripathi, Sujith Vijay: A note on a theorem of Erdös & Gallai. Discrete Mathematics 265(1-3): 417-420 (2003) |
1 | EE | Mohit Singh, Amitabha Tripathi: Order of a Graph with given Vertex and Edge Connectivity and Minimum Degree. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 196-197 (2003) |
1 | Sachin Gautam | [9] |
2 | Mohit Singh | [1] [7] |
3 | Ashish Kumar Srivastava | [9] |
4 | Himanshu Tyagi | [8] |
5 | Sujith Vijay | [2] [3] [4] [6] |