
Viviane de Aragao Trindade

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2EEViviane de Aragao Trindade, Luiz Satoru Ochi: Hybrid Adaptive Memory Programming Using GRASP and Path Relinking for the Scheduling Workover Rigs for Onshore Oil Production. HIS 2005: 500-502
1EEMarcos Henrique Ribeiro, Viviane de Aragao Trindade, Alexandre Plastino, Simone L. Martins: Hybridization of GRASP Metaheuristics with Data Mining Techniques. Hybrid Metaheuristics 2004: 69-78

Coauthor Index

1Simone L. Martins [1]
2Luiz Satoru Ochi (Luiz S. Ochi) [2]
3Alexandre Plastino [1]
4Marcos Henrique Ribeiro [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)