
Evangelos Triantaphyllou

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17EEVetle I. Torvik, Evangelos Triantaphyllou: Inference of Monotone Boolean Functions. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 1591-1598
16EEEvangelos Triantaphyllou, Jennifer Austin-Rodriguez: Optimization in Boolean Classification Problems. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 2791-2796
15EESalvador Nieto Sánchez, Evangelos Triantaphyllou: Optimization in Classifying Text Documents. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 2796-2803
14EEQing Chen, Evangelos Triantaphyllou: Estimating Data for Multicriteria Decision Making Problems: Optimization Techniques. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 931-940
13EEHuy Nguyen Anh Pham, Evangelos Triantaphyllou: Prediction of Diabetes by Employing a New Data Mining Approach Which Balances Fitting and Generalization. Computer and Information Science 2008: 11-26
12EEHuy Nguyen Anh Pham, Evangelos Triantaphyllou: The Impact of Overfitting and Overgeneralization on the Classification Accuracy in Data Mining. Soft Computing for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2008: 391-431
11EEShaojun Wang, Bhaba R. Sarker, Lawrence Mann, Evangelos Triantaphyllou: Resource planning and a depot location model for electric power restoration. European Journal of Operational Research 155(1): 22-43 (2004)
10EEVetle I. Torvik, Evangelos Triantaphyllou: Guided inference of nested monotone Boolean functions. Inf. Sci. 151: 171-200 (2003)
9EESalvador Nieto Sánchez, Evangelos Triantaphyllou, Jianhua Chen, T. Warren Liao: An incremental learning algorithm for constructing Boolean functions from positive and negative examples. Computers & OR 29(12): 1677-1700 (2002)
8EEVetle I. Torvik, Evangelos Triantaphyllou: Minimizing the Average Query Complexity of Learning Monotone Boolean Functions. INFORMS Journal on Computing 14(2): 144-174 (2002)
7 Salvador Nieto Sánchez, Evangelos Triantaphyllou, Donald H. Kraft: A feature mining based approach for the classification of text documents into disjoint classes. Inf. Process. Manage. 38(4): 583-604 (2002)
6 Boris Kovalerchuk, Evangelos Triantaphyllou, James F. Ruiz, Jane Clayton: Fuzzy logic in computer-aided breast cancer diagnosis: analysis of lobulation. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 11(1): 75-85 (1997)
5 Jinchang Wang, Evangelos Triantaphyllou: A Cost Effective Question-Asking Strategy for Horn Clause Systems. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 17(3-4): 359-379 (1996)
4EEEvangelos Triantaphyllou, Allen L. Soyster: On the minimum number of logical clauses inferred from examples. Computers & OR 23(8): 783-799 (1996)
3 Boris Kovalerchuk, Evangelos Triantaphyllou, Aniruddha S. Deshpande, Evgenii Vityaev: Interactive Learning of Monotone Boolean Functions. Inf. Sci. 94(1-4): 87-118 (1996)
2EEEvangelos Triantaphyllou, Chi-Tun Lin: Development and evaluation of five fuzzy multiattribute decision-making methods. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 14(4): 281-310 (1996)
1EEEvangelos Triantaphyllou, Allen L. Soyster, Soundar R. T. Kumara: Generating logical expressions from positive and negative examples via a branch-and-bound approach. Computers & OR 21(2): 185-197 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Jennifer Austin-Rodriguez [16]
2Jianhua Chen [9]
3Qing Chen [14]
4Jane Clayton [6]
5Aniruddha S. Deshpande [3]
6Boris Kovalerchuk [3] [6]
7Donald H. Kraft [7]
8Soundar R. T. Kumara [1]
9T. Warren Liao [9]
10Chi-Tun Lin [2]
11Lawrence Mann [11]
12Huy Nguyen Anh Pham [12] [13]
13James F. Ruiz [6]
14Salvador Nieto Sánchez [7] [9] [15]
15Bhaba R. Sarker [11]
16Allen L. Soyster [1] [4]
17Vetle I. Torvik [8] [10] [17]
18Evgenii Vityaev [3]
19Jinchang Wang [5]
20Shaojun Wang [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)