2008 |
7 | EE | Wayne Goddard,
Stephen T. Hedetniemi,
David Pokrass Jacobs,
Vilmar Trevisan:
Distance- k knowledge in self-stabilizing algorithms.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 399(1-2): 118-127 (2008) |
2006 |
6 | EE | Wayne Goddard,
Stephen T. Hedetniemi,
David Pokrass Jacobs,
Vilmar Trevisan:
Distance-k Information in Self-stabilizing Algorithms.
SIROCCO 2006: 349-356 |
2005 |
5 | EE | Kenneth Weber,
Vilmar Trevisan,
Luiz Felipe Martins:
A modular integer GCD algorithm.
J. Algorithms 54(2): 152-167 (2005) |
2001 |
4 | EE | David Pokrass Jacobs,
Catia M. S. Machado,
Vilmar Trevisan:
An O(n2) Algorithm for the Characteristic Polynomial of a Tree.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 7: 86-89 (2001) |
1995 |
3 | | Dalcidio Moraes Claudio,
Maria Angelica Camargo,
Vilmar Trevisan:
Um algoritmo algébrico para isolar zeros de polinômios.
RITA 2(2): 93-113 (1995) |
1993 |
2 | | Bernard Beauzamy,
Vilmar Trevisan,
Paul S. Wang:
Polynomial Factorization Sharp Bounds, Efficient Algorithms.
J. Symb. Comput. 15(4): 393-413 (1993) |
1991 |
1 | EE | Vilmar Trevisan,
Paul S. Wang:
Practical Factorization of Univariate Polynomials over Finite Fields.
ISSAC 1991: 22-31 |