
Georg Treu

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13EEMikkel Baun Kjærgaard, Georg Treu, Peter Ruppel, Axel Küpper: Efficient indoor proximity and separation detection for location fingerprinting. MOBILWARE 2008: 1
12EEGeorg Treu, Axel Küpper, Oliver Neukum, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien: Efficient clique detection among mobile targets. Mobility Conference 2008: 29
11EEGeorg Treu, Axel Küpper, Thomas Wilder: Extending the LBS-framework TraX: Efficient proximity detection with dead reckoning. Computer Communications 31(5): 1040-1051 (2008)
10EEGeorg Treu, Florian Fuchs, Christiane Dargatz: Implicit Authorization for Social Location Disclosure. JSW 3(1): 18-26 (2008)
9EEGeorg Treu, Florian Fuchs, Christiane Dargatz: Implicit Authorization for Accessing Location Data in a Social Context. ARES 2007: 263-272
8EEGeorg Treu, Johannes Martens, Matthias Schicker, Marc Breisinger, Axel Küpper: Vs Golf - Developing Location-based Multi-Player Games. COMPSAC (2) 2007: 109-114
7EEFlorian Fuchs, Dominik Berndl, Georg Treu: Towards Entity-Centric Wide-Area Context Discovery. MDM 2007: 388-392
6EEMikkel Baun Kjærgaard, Georg Treu, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien: Zone-Based RSS Reporting for Location Fingerprinting. Pervasive 2007: 316-333
5EEDiana Weiss, Isabelle Kramer, Georg Treu, Axel Küpper: Zone Services - An Approach for Location-Based Data Collection. CEC/EEE 2006: 79
4EEPeter Ruppel, Georg Treu, Axel Küpper, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien: Anonymous User Tracking for Location-Based Community Services. LoCA 2006: 116-133
3EEGeorg Treu, Thomas Wilder, Axel Küpper: Efficient proximity detection among mobile targets with dead reckoning. MOBIWAC 2006: 75-83
2EEAxel Küpper, Georg Treu: Efficient proximity and separation detection among mobile targets for supporting location-based community services. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 10(3): 1-12 (2006)
1 Axel Küpper, Georg Treu: From Location to Position Management: User Tracking for Location-based Services. KiVS Kurzbeiträge und Workshop 2005: 81-88

Coauthor Index

1Dominik Berndl [7]
2Marc Breisinger [8]
3Christiane Dargatz [9] [10]
4Florian Fuchs [7] [9] [10]
5Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard [6] [13]
6Isabelle Kramer [5]
7Axel Küpper [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [11] [12] [13]
8Claudia Linnhoff-Popien (Claudia Popien) [4] [6] [12]
9Johannes Martens [8]
10Oliver Neukum [12]
11Peter Ruppel [4] [13]
12Matthias Schicker [8]
13Diana Weiss [5]
14Thomas Wilder [3] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)