
Steve Traugott

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6 Paul Anderson, Steve Traugott: Automated System Administration/Infrastructure. LISA 2003
5 Steve Traugott: Infrastructures Guru. LISA 2002
4EESteve Traugott: Why Order Matters: Turing Equivalence in Automated Systems Administration. LISA 2002: 99-120
3 Steve Traugott: Infrastructure Architecture. LISA 2001
2EEAl Globus, Eric Langhirt, Miron Livny, Ravishankar Ramamurthy, Marvin H. Solomon, Steve Traugott: JavaGenes and Condor: cycle-scavenging genetic algorithms. Java Grande 2000: 134-139
1EESteve Traugott, Joel Huddleston: Bootstrapping an Infrastructure. LISA 1998: 181-196

Coauthor Index

1Paul Anderson [6]
2Al Globus [2]
3Joel Huddleston [1]
4Eric Langhirt [2]
5Miron Livny [2]
6Ravishankar Ramamurthy [2]
7Marvin H. Solomon [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)