
Vuong Xuan Tran

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6EEVuong Xuan Tran, Hidekazu Tsuji: Explaining Answers from Agent Communication of Semantic Web Information. AINA Workshops 2008: 1648-1653
5EEVuong Xuan Tran, Hidekazu Tsuji: Proof for Multi-agent Communication of Semantic Web Information. CIT 2007: 229-234
4EEVuong Xuan Tran, Hidekazu Tsuji: OWL-T: A Task Ontology Language for Automatic Service Composition. ICWS 2007: 1164-1167
3EEVuong Xuan Tran, Hidekazu Tsuji: OWL-T: An Ontology-based Task Template Language for Modeling Business Processes. SERA 2007: 101-108
2EEVisit Hirankitti, Vuong Xuan Tran: A meta-logical approach for reasoning with semantic web ontologies. RIVF 2006: 229-236
1EEVisit Hirankitti, Vuong Xuan Tran: A Meta-logical Approach for Multi-agent Communication of Semantic Web Information. INAP 2005: 215-228

Coauthor Index

1Visit Hirankitti [1] [2]
2Hidekazu Tsuji [3] [4] [5] [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)