
Gregg E. Trahey

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6EEKathryn Nightingale, Brian Fahey, Stephen Hsu, Kristin Frinkley, Jeremy J. Dahl, Mark Palmeri, Liang Zhai, Gianmarco Pinton, Gregg E. Trahey: On the Potential for Guidance of Ablation Therapy Using Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging. ISBI 2007: 1116-1119
5 Mary Scott Soo, Mark Palmeri, Kathryn Nightingale, Amy Congdon, Kristin Frinkley, Gregg E. Trahey: Imaging Tissue Mechanical Properties Using Impulsive Acoustic Radiation Force. ISBI 2004: 41-44
4EEAnna T. Fernandez, Jeremy J. Dahl, Kim L. Gammelmark, Douglas M. Dumont, Gregg E. Trahey: High resolution ultrasound beamforming using synthetic and adaptive imaging techniques. ISBI 2002: 433-436
3EEC. Keen, Roderick C. Gauss, Anna T. Fernandez, Gregg E. Trahey: Comparison of normal and harmonic ultrasonic imaging with a multirow array. ISBI 2002: 441-444
2EEKathryn Nightingale, Deborah Stutz, Rex Bentley, Gregg E. Trahey: Acoustic radiation force impulse imaging: ex vivo and in vivo demonstration of transient shear wave propagation. ISBI 2002: 525-528
1EECaterina M. Gallippi, Gregg E. Trahey: Automatic Image Registration for MR and Ultrasound Cardiac Images. IPMI 2001: 148-154

Coauthor Index

1Rex Bentley [2]
2Amy Congdon [5]
3Jeremy J. Dahl [4] [6]
4Douglas M. Dumont [4]
5Brian Fahey [6]
6Anna T. Fernandez [3] [4]
7Kristin Frinkley [5] [6]
8Caterina M. Gallippi [1]
9Kim L. Gammelmark [4]
10Roderick C. Gauss [3]
11Stephen Hsu [6]
12C. Keen [3]
13Kathryn Nightingale [2] [5] [6]
14Mark Palmeri [5] [6]
15Gianmarco Pinton [6]
16Mary Scott Soo [5]
17Deborah Stutz [2]
18Liang Zhai [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)