
Hélène Touzet

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18EEAude Liefooghe, Hélène Touzet, Jean-Stéphane Varré: Self-overlapping Occurrences and Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm for Weighted Matching. LATA 2009: 481-492
17EEArnaud Fontaine, Hélène Touzet: Computational Identification of Protein-Coding Sequences by Comparative Analysis. BIBM 2007: 95-102
16EEHélène Touzet: Comparing similar ordered trees in linear-time. J. Discrete Algorithms 5(4): 696-705 (2007)
15EEAude Liefooghe, Hélène Touzet, Jean-Stéphane Varré: Large Scale Matching for Position Weight Matrices. CPM 2006: 401-412
14EEGuillaume Blin, Hélène Touzet: How to Compare Arc-Annotated Sequences: The Alignment Hierarchy. SPIRE 2006: 291-303
13EEHélène Touzet: A Linear Tree Edit Distance Algorithm for Similar Ordered Trees. CPM 2005: 334-345
12EESerge Dulucq, Hélène Touzet: Decomposition algorithms for the tree edit distance problem. J. Discrete Algorithms 3(2-4): 448-471 (2005)
11 Hélène Touzet, Olivier Perriquet: CARNAC: folding families of related RNAs. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Web-Server-Issue): 142-145 (2004)
10EESerge Dulucq, Hélène Touzet: Analysis of Tree Edit Distance Algorithms. CPM 2003: 83-95
9 Olivier Perriquet, Hélène Touzet, Max Dauchet: Finding the common structure shared by two homologous RNAs. Bioinformatics 19(1): 108-116 (2003)
8EEHélène Touzet: Tree edit distance with gaps. Inf. Process. Lett. 85(3): 123-129 (2003)
7EEHélène Touzet: A Characterisation of Multiply Recursive Functions with Higman's Lemma. Inf. Comput. 178(2): 534-544 (2002)
6 Guillaume Bonfante, Adam Cichon, Jean-Yves Marion, Hélène Touzet: Algorithms with polynomial interpretation termination proof. J. Funct. Program. 11(1): 33-53 (2001)
5EEHélène Touzet: A Characterisation of Multiply Recursive Functions with Higman's Lemma. RTA 1999: 163-174
4 Guillaume Bonfante, Adam Cichon, Jean-Yves Marion, Hélène Touzet: Complexity Classes and Rewrite Systems with Polynomial Interpretation. CSL 1998: 372-384
3EEHélène Touzet: A Complex Example of a Simplifying Rewrite System. ICALP 1998: 507-517
2EEHélène Touzet: Encoding the Hydra Battle as a Rewrite System. MFCS 1998: 267-276
1 E. A. Cichon, Hélène Touzet: An Ordinal Calculus for Proving Termination in Term Rewriting. CAAP 1996: 226-240

Coauthor Index

1Guillaume Blin [14]
2Guillaume Bonfante [4] [6]
3Adam Cichon [4] [6]
4E. A. Cichon [1]
5Max Dauchet [9]
6Serge Dulucq [10] [12]
7Arnaud Fontaine [17]
8Aude Liefooghe [15] [18]
9Jean-Yves Marion [4] [6]
10Olivier Perriquet [9] [11]
11Jean-Stéphane Varré [15] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)