
Mohamed Tounsi

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12 Hassan Ismail Abdalla, Mohamed Tounsi, Farhi Marir: Using a Greedy-Based Approach for Solving Data Allocation Problem in a Distributed Environment. PDPTA 2008: 975-980
11EESamir Ouis, Mohamed Tounsi: An explanation-based tools for debugging constraint satisfaction problems. Appl. Soft Comput. 8(4): 1400-1406 (2008)
10EEMohamed Tounsi, Samir Ouis: An Iterative local-search framework for solving constraint satisfaction problem. Appl. Soft Comput. 8(4): 1530-1535 (2008)
9EEMohamed Tounsi, Basit Qureshi: A Bluetooth intelligent e-healthcare system: analysis and design issues. IJMC 6(6): 683-695 (2008)
8EEMonia Loulou, Mohamed Tounsi, Ahmed Hadj Kacem, Mohamed Jmaiel: A Formal Approach to prevent Attacks on Mobile Agent Systems. SECURWARE 2007: 42-47
7EEMohamed Tounsi, Majed Al-Mashari: A new dot plot-based algorithm for genomes sequences comparison: A preliminary study. Expert Syst. Appl. 30(1): 34-41 (2006)
6EEMohamed Tounsi: An approximate reasoning based technique for oil assessment. Expert Syst. Appl. 29(2): 485-491 (2005)
5EEMohamed Tounsi: A Genetic-Based Approach for Satisfiability Problems. AISC 2002: 208-216
4 Mohamed Tounsi: Towards an Evolutionary Solving of SAT Problems. IC-AI 2002: 890-896
3EEMohamed Tounsi, Philippe David: Local Search Algorithm to Improve the Local Search. ICTAI 2002: 438-
2EEMohamed Tounsi, Philippe David: Successive Search Method for Solving Valued Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization Problems. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 11(3): 425-436 (2002)
1EEMohamed Tounsi, Philippe David: Successive Search Method for Valued Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization Problems. ICTAI 2001: 341-

Coauthor Index

1Hassan Ismail Abdalla [12]
2Majed Al-Mashari [7]
3Philippe David [1] [2] [3]
4Mohamed Jmaiel [8]
5Ahmed Hadj Kacem [8]
6Monia Loulou [8]
7Farhi Marir [12]
8Samir Ouis [10] [11]
9Basit Qureshi [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)