
Piero R. Torrigiani

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3 Peter E. Lauer, Piero R. Torrigiani, Raymond R. Devillers: A Cosy Banker. Symposium on Programming 1980: 223-239
2 Peter E. Lauer, Piero R. Torrigiani, M. W. Shields: COSY - A System Specification Language Based on Paths and Processes. Acta Inf. 12: 109-158 (1979)
1 Piero R. Torrigiani: Synchronic aspects of data types: construction of a non-algorithmic solution of the banker's problem. ECI 1978: 560-583

Coauthor Index

1Raymond R. Devillers [3]
2Peter E. Lauer [2] [3]
3M. W. Shields [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)