
Fabien Torre

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8EELaurent Candillier, Isabelle Tellier, Fabien Torre, Olivier Bousquet: Cascade Evaluation of Clustering Algorithms. ECML 2006: 574-581
7 Rémi Gilleron, Patrick Marty, Marc Tommasi, Fabien Torre: Extraction de relations dans les documents Web. EGC 2006: 415-420
6EERémi Gilleron, Patrick Marty, Marc Tommasi, Fabien Torre: Interactive Tuples Extraction from Semi-Structured Data. Web Intelligence 2006: 997-1004
5 Laurent Candillier, Isabelle Tellier, Fabien Torre, Olivier Bousquet: SSC: statistical subspace clustering. EGC 2005: 177-182
4EELaurent Candillier, Isabelle Tellier, Fabien Torre: Transforming XML Trees for Efficient Classification and Clustering. INEX 2005: 469-480
3EELaurent Candillier, Isabelle Tellier, Fabien Torre, Olivier Bousquet: SSC: Statistical Subspace Clustering. MLDM 2005: 100-109
2EEFabien Torre: GLOBOOST. Combinaisons de moindres généralisés. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 19(4-5): 769-797 (2005)
1 Fabien Torre, Céline Rouveirol: Natural Ideal Operators in Inductive Logic Programming. ECML 1997: 274-289

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Bousquet [3] [5] [8]
2Laurent Candillier [3] [4] [5] [8]
3Rémi Gilleron [6] [7]
4Patrick Marty [6] [7]
5Céline Rouveirol [1]
6Isabelle Tellier [3] [4] [5] [8]
7Marc Tommasi [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)