
Johan Tordsson

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7EEErik Elmroth, Johan Tordsson: Grid resource brokering algorithms enabling advance reservations and resource selection based on performance predictions. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 24(6): 585-593 (2008)
6EEErik Elmroth, Peter Gardfjäll, Arvid Norberg, Johan Tordsson, Per-Olov Östberg: Grid infrastructure tools for multi-level job management. CoreGRID 2007: 175-184
5EEErik Elmroth, Francisco Hernández, Johan Tordsson, Per-Olov Östberg: Designing Service-Based Resource Management Tools for a Healthy Grid Ecosystem. PPAM 2007: 259-270
4EEErik Elmroth, Francisco Hernández, Johan Tordsson: A Light-Weight Grid Workflow Execution Engine Enabling Client and Middleware Independence. PPAM 2007: 754-761
3EEErik Elmroth, Peter Gardfjäll, Johan Tordsson: An advanced grid computing course for application and infrastructure developers. CCGRID 2005: 43-50
2EEErik Elmroth, Johan Tordsson: An Interoperable, Standards-Based Grid Resource Broker and Job Submission Service. e-Science 2005: 212-220
1EEErik Elmroth, Johan Tordsson: A Grid Resource Broker Supporting Advance Reservations and Benchmark-Based Resource Selection. PARA 2004: 1061-1070

Coauthor Index

1Erik Elmroth [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Peter Gardfjäll [3] [6]
3Francisco Hernández [4] [5]
4Arvid Norberg [6]
5Per-Olov Östberg [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)