
Jerzy Topp

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10EEJerzy Topp, Preben D. Vestergaard: alphak- and gammak-stable graphs. Discrete Mathematics 212(1-2): 149-160 (2000)
9EEJerzy Topp, Preben D. Vestergaard: Interpolation theorems for domination numbers of a graph. Discrete Mathematics 191(1-3): 207-221 (1998)
8EEJerzy Topp, Preben D. Vestergaard: Totally equimatchable graphs. Discrete Mathematics 164(1-3): 285-290 (1997)
7EEJerzy Topp, Preben D. Vestergaard: On numbers of vertices of maximum degree in the spanning trees of a graph. Discrete Mathematics 155(1-3): 247-258 (1996)
6EEJerzy Topp, Preben D. Vestergaard: Well Irredundant Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 63(3): 267-276 (1995)
5EEWerner Siemes, Jerzy Topp, Lutz Volkmann: On unique independent sets in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 131(1-3): 279-285 (1994)
4EEJerzy Topp, Lutz Volkmann: Some upper bounds for the product of the domination number and the chromatic number of a graph. Discrete Mathematics 118(1-3): 289-292 (1993)
3EEJerzy Topp: Graphs with unique minimum edge dominating sets and graphs with unique maximum independent sets of vertices. Discrete Mathematics 121(1-3): 199-210 (1993)
2EEJerzy Topp, Lutz Volkmann: On graphs with equal domination and independent domination numbers. Discrete Mathematics 96(1): 75-80 (1991)
1EEJerzy Topp, Lutz Volkmann: On packing and covering numbers of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 96(3): 229-238 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Werner Siemes [5]
2Preben D. Vestergaard [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
3Lutz Volkmann [1] [2] [4] [5]

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