
Pawel Topa

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8EEPawel Topa: Dynamically Reorganising Vascular Networks Modelled Using Cellular Automata Approach. ACRI 2008: 494-499
7EEPawel Topa: Towards a Two-Scale Cellular Automata Model of Tumour-Induced Angiogenesis. ACRI 2006: 337-346
6EEPawel Topa: A Cellular Automata Approach for Modelling Complex River Systems. ACRI 2006: 482-491
5EEPawel Labaj, Pawel Topa, Jaroslaw Tyszka, Witold Alda: 2D and 3D Numerical Models of the Growth of Foraminiferal Shells. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 669-678
4EEPawel Topa, Witold Dzwinel: Consuming Environment with Transportation Network Modelled Using Graph of Cellular Automata. PPAM 2003: 513-520
3EEPawel Topa: A Distributed Cellular Automata Simulation on Cluster of PCs. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2002: 783-792
2EEPawel Topa, Jaroslaw Tyszka: Local Minimization Paradigm in Numerical Modeling of Foraminiferal Shells. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2002: 97-106
1EEPawel Topa, Mariusz Paszkowski: Anastomosing Transportation Networks. PPAM 2001: 904-912

Coauthor Index

1Witold Alda [5]
2Witold Dzwinel [4]
3Pawel Labaj [5]
4Mariusz Paszkowski [1]
5Jaroslaw Tyszka [2] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)