
Xiaojun Tong

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4EEXiaojun Tong, Minggen Cui: Image encryption scheme based on 3D baker with dynamical compound chaotic sequence cipher generator. Signal Processing 89(4): 480-491 (2009)
3EEXiaojun Tong, Minggen Cui: Image encryption with compound chaotic sequence cipher shifting dynamically. Image Vision Comput. 26(6): 843-850 (2008)
2EEXiaojun Tong, Mianyun Chen, Yi Lin: The structure of pan-addition operator with pre-determined pan-multiplication. Inf. Sci. 176(3): 321-331 (2006)
1EEXiaojun Tong, Mianyun Chen, Hongxing Li: Pan-operations structure with non-idempotent pan-addition. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 145(3): 463-470 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Mianyun Chen [1] [2]
2Minggen Cui [3] [4]
3Hongxing Li [1]
4Yi Lin [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)