
Pasquale di Tommaso

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4EEGiuseppe De Nicola, Pasquale di Tommaso, Rosaria Esposito, Francesco Flammini, Pietro Marmo, Antonio Orazzo: A Grey-Box Approach to the Functional Testing of Complex Automatic Train Protection Systems. EDCC 2005: 305-317
3EEPasquale di Tommaso, Francesco Flammini, Armando Lazzaro, Raffaele Pellecchia, Angela Sanseviero: The Simulation of Anomalies in the Functional Testing of the ERTMS/ETCS Trackside System. HASE 2005: 131-139
2EEGiuseppe De Nicola, Pasquale di Tommaso, Rosaria Esposito, Francesco Flammini, Antonio Orazzo: A Hybrid Testing Methodology for Railway Control Systems. SAFECOMP 2004: 116-129
1EEPasquale di Tommaso, Rosaria Esposito, Pietro Marmo, Antonio Orazzo: Hazard Analysis of Complex Distributed Railway Systems. SRDS 2003: 283-292

Coauthor Index

1Rosaria Esposito [1] [2] [4]
2Francesco Flammini [2] [3] [4]
3Armando Lazzaro [3]
4Pietro Marmo [1] [4]
5Giuseppe De Nicola [2] [4]
6Antonio Orazzo [1] [2] [4]
7Raffaele Pellecchia [3]
8Angela Sanseviero [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)