2008 |
22 | EE | Karl D. Liebert,
David C. Earnest,
Andreas Tolk:
Using GIS vector data to build virtual environments for agent based models.
SpringSim 2008: 45-52 |
21 | EE | Charles D. Turnitsa,
Andreas Tolk:
Knowledge representation and the dimensions of a multi-model relationship.
Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 1148-1156 |
20 | EE | Andreas Tolk,
Thomas G. Litwin,
Robert H. Kewley:
A systems engineering process supporting the development of operational requirements driven federations.
Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 1296-1304 |
19 | EE | Paul Davis,
Paul A. Fishwick,
Xiaolin Hu,
John A. Miller,
Maria Hybinette,
Tuncer I. Ören,
Paul Reynolds,
Hessam S. Sarjoughian,
Andreas Tolk:
Panel discussion: What makes good research in modeling and simulation: Sustaining the growth and vitality of the M&S discipline.
Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 677-688 |
18 | EE | Andreas Tolk,
Robert J. Bowen,
Patrick T. Hester:
Using agent technology to move from intention-based to effect-based models.
Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 863-871 |
17 | EE | Andreas Tolk,
Saikou Y. Diallo,
Charles D. Turnitsa:
Mathematical models towards self-organizing formal federation languages based on conceptual models of information exchange capabilities.
Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 966-974 |
16 | EE | Levent Yilmaz,
Andreas Tolk:
A Unifying Multimodel Taxonomy and Agent-Supported Multisimulation Strategy for Decision-Support.
Intelligent Decision Making: An AI-Based Approach 2008: 193-226 |
15 | EE | Andreas Tolk:
Ontology driven interoperability for agile applications, using information systems: Requirements and applications for agent mediated decision support.
Intelligent Decision Technologies 2(1): 1-2 (2008) |
14 | EE | Andreas Tolk,
Charles D. Turnitsa,
Saikou Y. Diallo:
Implied ontological representation within the levels of conceptual interoperability model.
Intelligent Decision Technologies 2(1): 3-19 (2008) |
2007 |
13 | EE | Andreas Tolk,
Saikou Y. Diallo,
Charles D. Turnitsa:
Model-based data engineering: preparing a paradigm shift towards self-organizing information exchange.
SCSC 2007: 1112-1119 |
12 | EE | Lisa Jean Moya,
Andreas Tolk:
Towards a taxonomy of agents and multi-agent systems.
SpringSim (2) 2007: 11-18 |
11 | EE | Andreas Tolk,
Charles D. Turnitsa:
Conceptual modeling of information exchange requirements based on ontological means.
Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 1100-1107 |
10 | EE | Andreas Tolk,
Charles D. Turnitsa,
Saikou Y. Diallo:
Model-based alignment and orchestration of heterogeneous homeland security applications enabling composition of system of systems.
Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 842-850 |
9 | EE | Paul K. Davis,
Andreas Tolk:
Observations on new developments in composability and multi-resolution modeling.
Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 859-870 |
2006 |
8 | EE | Andreas Tolk:
What Comes After the Semantic Web - PADS Implications for the Dynamic Web.
PADS 2006: 55 |
7 | EE | Levent Yilmaz,
Andreas Tolk:
Engineering ab initio dynamic interoperability and composability via agent-mediated introspective simulation.
Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 1075-1182 |
2005 |
6 | EE | Andreas Tolk,
J. Mark Pullen:
Using Web Services and Data Mediation/Storage Services to Enable Command and Control to Simulation Interoperability.
DS-RT 2005: 27-34 |
5 | EE | J. Mark Pullen,
Ryan Brunton,
Donald P. Brutzman,
David Drake,
Michael R. Hieb,
Katherine L. Morse,
Andreas Tolk:
Using Web services to integrate heterogeneous simulations in a grid environment.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(1): 97-106 (2005) |
4 | EE | Andreas Tolk,
Saikou Y. Diallo:
Model-Based Data Engineering for Web Services.
IEEE Internet Computing 9(4): 65-70 (2005) |
2004 |
3 | EE | Katherine L. Morse,
Ryan Brunton,
J. Mark Pullen,
Priscilla M. McAndrews,
Andreas Tolk,
James Muguira:
An Architecture for Web-Services Based Interest Management in Real Time Distributed Simulation.
DS-RT 2004: 108-115 |
2 | EE | J. Mark Pullen,
Ryan Brunton,
Donald P. Brutzman,
David Drake,
Michael R. Hieb,
Katherine L. Morse,
Andreas Tolk:
Using Web Services to Integrate Heterogeneous Simulations in a Grid Environment.
International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 835-847 |
1 | EE | Andreas Tolk:
XML Mediation Services Utilizing Model Based Data Management.
Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 1476-1466 |