
Tinko Tinchev

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10EEPhilippe Balbiani, Tinko Tinchev: Boolean Logics with Relations. RelMiCS 2008: 4-21
9EEPhilippe Balbiani, Tinko Tinchev, Dimiter Vakarelov: Modal Logics for Region-based Theories of Space. Fundam. Inform. 81(1-3): 29-82 (2007)
8EEPhilippe Balbiani, Tinko Tinchev: Line-based affine reasoning in Euclidean plane. J. Applied Logic 5(3): 421-434 (2007)
7EEPhilippe Balbiani, Tinko Tinchev: Definability Over the Class of all Partitions. J. Log. Comput. 16(5): 541-557 (2006)
6EEPhilippe Balbiani, Tinko Tinchev: Line-Based Affine Reasoning in Euclidean Plane. JELIA 2004: 474-486
5 Philippe Balbiani, Luis Fariñas del Cerro, Tinko Tinchev, Dimiter Vakarelov: Modal Logics for Incidence Geometries. J. Log. Comput. 7(1): 59-78 (1997)
4 Philippe Balbiani, Luis Fariñas del Cerro, Tinko Tinchev, Dimiter Vakarelov: Geometrical Structures and Modal Logic. FAPR 1996: 43-57
3 Solomon Passay, Tinko Tinchev: An Essay in Combinatory Dynamic Logic Inf. Comput. 93(2): 263-332 (1991)
2 Solomon Passy, Tinko Tinchev: Quantifiers in combinatory PDL: completeness, definability, incompleteness. FCT 1985: 512-519
1 Solomon Passy, Tinko Tinchev: PDL with Data Constants. Inf. Process. Lett. 20(1): 35-41 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Philippe Balbiani [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Luis Fariñas del Cerro [4] [5]
3Solomon Passay [3]
4Solomon Passy [1] [2]
5Dimiter Vakarelov [4] [5] [9]

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