
Judith Timmer

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5EEHenk Zijm, Judith Timmer: Coordination mechanisms for inventory control in three-echelon serial and distribution systems. Annals OR 158(1): 161-182 (2008)
4EELuis A. Guardiola, Ana Meca, Judith Timmer: Cooperation and profit allocation in distribution chains. Decision Support Systems 44(1): 17-27 (2007)
3EEMichel Mandjes, Judith Timmer: A duopoly model with heterogeneous congestion-sensitive customers. European Journal of Operational Research 176(1): 445-467 (2007)
2EEAna Meca, Judith Timmer, Ignacio García-Jurado, Peter Borm: Inventory games. European Journal of Operational Research 156(1): 127-139 (2004)
1EEJoaquín Sánchez-Soriano, Natividad Llorca, Stef Tijs, Judith Timmer: On the core of semi-infinite transportation games with divisible goods. European Journal of Operational Research 142(3): 463-475 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Peter Borm [2]
2Ignacio García-Jurado [2]
3Luis A. Guardiola [4]
4Natividad Llorca [1]
5Michel Mandjes [3]
6Ana Meca [2] [4]
7Joaquín Sánchez-Soriano [1]
8Stef Tijs [1]
9Henk Zijm [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)