
Roberto Tiella

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5EEFrancesca Longo, Roberto Tiella, Paolo Tonella, Adolfo Villafiorita: Measuring the Impact of Different Categories of Software Evolution. IWSM/Metrikon/Mensura 2008: 344-351
4EERoberto Tiella, Adolfo Villafiorita, Silvia Tomasi: FSMC+, a tool for the generation of Java code from statecharts. PPPJ 2007: 93-102
3EEPaolo Avesani, Paolo Massa, Roberto Tiella: A trust-enhanced recommender system application: Moleskiing. SAC 2005: 1589-1593
2EEPäivi Kallio, Alessandro Zorer, Roberto Tiella: Accounting and billing of wireless internet services in 3G networks. IJMC 2(3): 294-309 (2004)
1EEPäivi Kallio, Giovanni Cortese, Roberto Tiella, Alessandro Zorer: Accounting and Billing of Wireless Internet Services in the Third Generation Networks. ER (Workshops) 2002: 229-240

Coauthor Index

1Paolo Avesani [3]
2Giovanni Cortese [1]
3Päivi Kallio [1] [2]
4Francesca Longo [5]
5Paolo Massa [3]
6Silvia Tomasi [4]
7Paolo Tonella [5]
8Adolfo Villafiorita [4] [5]
9Alessandro Zorer [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)