2008 |
15 | EE | Matthias Tichy,
Stefan Henkler,
Matthias Meyer,
Markus von Detten:
Safety of component-based systems: analysis and improvement using Fujaba4Eclipse.
ICSE Companion 2008: 973-974 |
14 | EE | Wilhelm Schäfer,
Matthias Tichy:
Introduction to the special section on self-optimizing mechatronic systems.
STTT 10(3): 205-206 (2008) |
2007 |
13 | EE | Christoph Danne,
Viktor Dück,
Benjamin Klöpper,
Matthias Tichy:
Considering Runtime Restrictions in Self-Healing Distributed Systems.
AINA 2007: 228-235 |
12 | EE | Sven Burmester,
Holger Giese,
Stefan Henkler,
Martin Hirsch,
Matthias Tichy,
Alfonso Gambuzza,
Eckehard Münch,
Henner Vöcking:
Tool Support for Developing Advanced Mechatronic Systems: Integrating the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite with CAMeL-View.
ICSE 2007: 801-804 |
2006 |
11 | EE | Holger Giese,
Matthias Tichy:
Component-Based Hazard Analysis: Optimal Designs, Product Lines, and Online-Reconfiguration.
SAFECOMP 2006: 156-169 |
2005 |
10 | EE | Sven Burmester,
Holger Giese,
Martin Hirsch,
Daniela Schilling,
Matthias Tichy:
The fujaba real-time tool suite: model-driven development of safety-critical, real-time systems.
ICSE 2005: 670-671 |
9 | EE | Matthias Tichy,
Holger Giese,
Daniela Schilling,
Wladimir Pauls:
Computing optimal self-repair actions: damage minimization versus repair time.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 7-6 (2005) |
2004 |
8 | EE | Sven Burmester,
Holger Giese,
Matthias Tichy:
Model-Driven Development of Reconfigurable Mechatronic Systems with Mechatronic UML.
MDAFA 2004: 47-61 |
7 | EE | Holger Giese,
Matthias Tichy,
Daniela Schilling:
Compositional Hazard Analysis of UML Component and Deployment Models.
SAFECOMP 2004: 166-179 |
6 | EE | Matthias Tichy,
Daniela Schilling,
Holger Giese:
Design of self-managing dependable systems with UML and fault tolerance patterns.
WOSS 2004: 105-109 |
5 | EE | Sven Burmester,
Holger Giese,
Jörg Niere,
Matthias Tichy,
Jörg P. Wadsack,
Robert Wagner,
Lothar Wendehals,
Albert Zündorf:
Tool integration at the meta-model level: the Fujaba approach.
STTT 6(3): 203-218 (2004) |
2003 |
4 | EE | Holger Giese,
Matthias Tichy,
Sven Burmester,
Stephan Flake:
Towards the compositional verification of real-time UML designs.
ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 2003: 38-47 |
3 | EE | Matthias Tichy,
Holger Giese:
Seamless UML Support for Service-Based Software Architectures.
FIDJI 2003: 128-138 |
2 | EE | Matthias Tichy,
Holger Giese:
A Self-optimizing Run-Time Architecture for Configurable Dependability of Services.
WADS 2003: 25-50 |
2002 |
1 | EE | Matthias Gehrke,
Holger Giese,
Ulrich Nickel,
Jörg Niere,
Matthias Tichy,
Jörg P. Wadsack,
Albert Zündorf:
Reporting about industrial strength software engineering courses for undergraduates.
ICSE 2002: 395-405 |