
Gui Yun Tian

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15EEAlan Agurto, Yong Li, Gui Yun Tian, Nicholas Bowring, Stephen Lockwood: A Review of Concealed Weapon Detection and Research in Perspective. ICNSC 2007: 443-448
14EEHidajat Atmoko, Gui Yun Tian, Bruno Fazenda: Advanced Instrumentation for Sound Monitoring. ICNSC 2007: 449-454
13EEGui Yun Tian, Duke Gledhill: Visualisation Based Feedback Control for Multiple Sensor Fusion. IV 2006: 553-556
12 Chunlei Yang, Gui Yun Tian, Steve Ward: Biometric based smart card for security. ICETE 2005: 240-246
11EEGraham D. Finlayson, Steven D. Hordley, Gerald Schaefer, Gui Yun Tian: Illuminant and device invariant colour using histogram equalisation. Pattern Recognition 38(2): 179-190 (2005)
10 Gui Yun Tian, Duke Gledhill: Structured Light Based Stereo Vision for Coordination of Multiple Robots. ICINCO (2) 2004: 158-161
9EEDuke Gledhill, Gui Yun Tian, David Taylor, David Clarke: 3D Reconstruction of a Region of Interest Using Structured Light and StereoPanoramic Images. IV 2004: 1007-1012
8EEStephen King, Gui Yun Tian, David Taylor, Steve Ward: Cross-Channel Histogram Equalisation for Colour Face Recognition. AVBPA 2003: 454-461
7EEGraham D. Finlayson, Steven D. Hordley, Gerald Schaefer, Gui Yun Tian: Illuminant and Device Invariance Using Histogram Equalisation. Color Imaging Conference 2003: 205-211
6EEDuke Gledhill, Gui Yun Tian, David Taylor, David Clarke: Panoramic imaging - a review. Computers & Graphics 27(3): 435-445 (2003)
5EEGui Yun Tian, Duke Gledhill, David Taylor: Comprehensive interest points based imaging mosaic. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(9-10): 1171-1179 (2003)
4EEGui Yun Tian, Duke Gledhill, David Taylor, David Clarke: Colour Correction for Panoramic Imaging. IV 2002: 483-488
3EEGui Yun Tian, David Taylor: Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Distributed Collaborative Design Environmen. IV 2001: 703-
2EEGui Yun Tian, David Taylor: Color Image Retrieval Using Virtual Reality. IV 2000: 221-225
1 Graham D. Finlayson, Gui Yun Tian: Color Normalization for Color Object Recognition. IJPRAI 13(8): 1271-1285 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Alan Agurto [15]
2Hidajat Atmoko [14]
3Nicholas Bowring [15]
4David Clarke [4] [6] [9]
5Bruno Fazenda [14]
6Graham D. Finlayson [1] [7] [11]
7Duke Gledhill [4] [5] [6] [9] [10] [13]
8Steven D. Hordley [7] [11]
9Stephen King [8]
10Yong Li [15]
11Stephen Lockwood [15]
12Gerald Schaefer [7] [11]
13David Taylor [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9]
14Steve Ward [8] [12]
15Chunlei Yang [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)