
Atoosa P.-J. Thunem

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4EETerje Sivertsen, Rune Fredriksen, Atoosa P.-J. Thunem, Jan-Erik Holmberg, Janne Valkonen, Olli Ventä, Jan-Ove Andersson: The TACO Approach for Traceability and Communication of Requirements. SAFECOMP 2005: 317-329
3EEAtoosa P.-J. Thunem: Security Research from a Multi-disciplinary and Multi-sectoral Perspective. SAFECOMP 2005: 381-389
2EEBjørn Axel Gran, Rune Fredriksen, Atoosa P.-J. Thunem: An Approach for Model-Based Risk Assessment. SAFECOMP 2004: 311-324
1EEAtoosa P.-J. Thunem: Fuzzy-neuro risk assessment of distributed real-time systems through formal and object-oriented systems modelling. EUSFLAT Conf. 2003: 380-385

Coauthor Index

1Jan-Ove Andersson [4]
2Rune Fredriksen [2] [4]
3Bjørn Axel Gran [2]
4Jan-Erik Holmberg [4]
5Terje Sivertsen [4]
6Janne Valkonen [4]
7Olli Ventä [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)