
Simon J. Thorpe

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16EEFlorian Dramas, Bernard Oriola, Brian G. Katz, Simon J. Thorpe, Christophe Jouffrais: Designing an assistive device for the blind based on object localization and augmented auditory reality. ASSETS 2008: 263-264
15EERudy Guyonneau, Rufin van Rullen, Simon J. Thorpe: Neurons Tune to the Earliest Spikes Through STDP. Neural Computation 17(4): 859-879 (2005)
14EELaurent Perrinet, Manuel Samuelides, Simon J. Thorpe: Sparse spike coding in an asynchronous feed-forward multi-layer neural network using matching pursuit. Neurocomputing 57: 125-134 (2004)
13EESimon J. Thorpe: Ultra-Rapid Scene Categorization with a Wave of Spikes. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2002: 1-15
12 Rufin van Rullen, Simon J. Thorpe: Rate Coding Versus Temporal Order Coding: What the Retinal Ganglion Cells Tell the Visual Cortex. Neural Computation 13(6): 1255-1283 (2001)
11EESimon J. Thorpe, Arnaud Delorme, Rufin van Rullen: Spike-based strategies for rapid processing. Neural Networks 14(6-7): 715-725 (2001)
10EEArnaud Delorme, Simon J. Thorpe: Face identification using one spike per neuron: resistance to image degradations. Neural Networks 14(6-7): 795-803 (2001)
9EERufin van Rullen, Arnaud Delorme, Simon J. Thorpe: Feed-forward contour integration in primary visual cortex based on asynchronous spike propagation. Neurocomputing 38-40: 1003-1009 (2001)
8EEArnaud Delorme, Laurent Perrinet, Simon J. Thorpe: Networks of integrate-and-fire neurons using Rank Order Coding B: Spike timing dependent plasticity and emergence of orientation selectivity. Neurocomputing 38-40: 539-545 (2001)
7EELaurent Perrinet, Arnaud Delorme, Manuel Samuelides, Simon J. Thorpe: Networks of integrate-and-fire neuron using rank order coding A: How to implement spike time dependent Hebbian plasticity. Neurocomputing 38-40: 817-822 (2001)
6EERufin van Rullen, Simon J. Thorpe: Spatial attention in asynchronous neural networks. Neurocomputing 26-27: 911-918 (1999)
5EEArnaud Delorme, Jacques Gautrais, Rufin van Rullen, Simon J. Thorpe: SpikeNET: A simulator for modeling large networks of integrate and fire neurons. Neurocomputing 26-27: 989-996 (1999)
4 Simon J. Thorpe: How can the human visual system process a natural scene in under 150ms? Experiments and neural network models. ESANN 1997
3 Manuel Samuelides, Simon J. Thorpe, Emmanuel Veneau: Implementing Hebbian Learning in a Rank-Based Neural Network. ICANN 1997: 145-150
2EESimon J. Thorpe, Jacques Gautrais: Rapid Visual Processing using Spike Asynchrony. NIPS 1996: 901-907
1 Simon J. Thorpe: Image Processing by the Human Visual System. Advances in Computer Graphics 1990: 309-341

Coauthor Index

1Arnaud Delorme [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
2Florian Dramas [16]
3Jacques Gautrais [2] [5]
4Rudy Guyonneau [15]
5Christophe Jouffrais [16]
6Brian G. Katz [16]
7Bernard Oriola [16]
8Laurent Perrinet [7] [8] [14]
9Rufin van Rullen [5] [6] [9] [11] [12] [15]
10Manuel Samuelides [3] [7] [14]
11Emmanuel Veneau [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)