
J. A. Thompson

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4EEL. J. C. Woolliscroft, K. H. Yearby, H. St. C. Alleyne, J. A. Thompson, C. M. Dunford: On the design and implementation of a dependable space instrument. PDP 1995: 366-373
3 K. Lucas, M. Busch, S. Mossinger, J. A. Thompson: An improved microcomputer program for finding gene- or gene family-specific oligonucleotides suitable as primers for polymerase chain reactions or as probes. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 7(4): 525-529 (1991)
2EEC. M. Dunford, J. A. Thompson, K. H. Yearby: A transputer-based instrument for the ESA/NASA Cluster mission. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 3(4): 293-302 (1991)
1EEG. R. Brookes, G. A. Manson, J. A. Thompson: Lattice and ring array topologies using transputers. Computer Communications 9(3): 121-125 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1H. St. C. Alleyne [4]
2G. R. Brookes [1]
3M. Busch [3]
4C. M. Dunford [2] [4]
5K. Lucas [3]
6G. A. Manson [1]
7S. Mossinger [3]
8L. J. C. Woolliscroft [4]
9K. H. Yearby [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)